· 2 min read

My 2023 recap in two words: THANK YOU

This has been the best year so far - looking forward to 2024!

This has been the best year so far - looking forward to 2024!

If I look at my career, 2023 has been by far the best year of my life but the recap will be quite short, all I want to say is THANK YOU.

This year’s biggest highlight is being surrounded by some amazing human beings that are helping me become who I am today and who I want to be tomorrow.

Thanks to all my colleagues in Claranet supporting me on a daily basis, I’m getting better not just at coding but also at cooperating with the clients, and managing projects and teams.

I got trusted enough to also get involved in the recruitment process that is draining so much energy but wow, what an experience it is and how much there is to learn from others.

Thank you to all the friends I meet at conferences, even if we meet in person only for a few hours during the entire year, there’s so much value in that! And I’m not even talking about technical knowledge but strengthening those human connections is really the biggest win.

And last but not least, thank you to everyone watching my videos on YouTube and reading my articles as you’re giving me the motivation to keep sharing content online for free in my spare time.

You see that Github star plate in the background, it really means a lot to me and it’s there thanks to you!

I promise I’ll keep doing my best in sharing knowledge and participating in projects, giving back to the community at least as much as what the community is giving to me.

And with that said, thank you all for being part of this amazing 2023, I hope 2024 will be again the best year of my life… until 2025!

Happy New Year everyone!

About the author

Hello! My name is Leonardo and as you might have noticed, I like to talk about Web Development and Open Source!

I use GitHub every day and my favourite editor is Visual Studio Code... this might influence a little bit my conent! :D

If you like what I do, you should have a look at my YouTube Channel!

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