· 3 min read
My First Year in Love with TanStack
365 days after publishing my first TanStack tutorial, what a ride!

I had no idea how much would have happened in 365 days 🤯
One year ago, on February 20th, 2024, I published my first tutorial on TanStack Router. Today, TanStack videos are ~35% of my YouTube views.
A bit of context for who’s outside the Frontend Web scene: TanStack is a family of famous and successful open source libraries for building web applications, usually supporting most of the popular frameworks, strongly typed, and with a focus on developer experience.
So here’s the story: I just wanted to try this “new” routing library. It was in the TanStack family, the same from React Query, it had to mean something.
As usual, I started playing with it on toy projects and I decided to make a few videos and articles on the basics - Learning Web Development through Open Source is my motto after all.
I really enjoyed it and after a few months, I also brought it into a production project, giving me even more motivation to understand the library and share more tutorials on that.
Joining the Form Team
On a parallel track, while making small contributions to the Router repository, I also approached TanStack Form. Once again it seemed like an interesting library with its simple APIs so I started studying it, but I noticed it had some tiny bugs and room for improvements here and there. That’s the cool thing about Open Source, I was able to immediately jump in and try to do my best to help the maintainers.
Turns out Corbin is taking care of the project and after some nice chats he invited me to join the team. This has been the game changer and I can’t thank him enough for the invite, and Tanner for letting me in!
I now have the privilege to see some of the behind the scenes of what it takes to develop and maintain huge and successful libraries like TanStack Query, Router, Start, and Table. I’m having fun helping Form get to 1.0 (hopefully soon!) but in the meantime, I can see how the other maintainers think and cooperate with each other and with the community, their passion, and how some of the most brilliant minds in the Open Source space approach problems and find solutions.
I can’t describe how inspiring and motivating this is for me and I do really want to keep learning from the best and contribute back to the community.
Helping the Community
With over 3.000 hours of watch time on my TanStack videos on YouTube, I feel I can do my part in helping developers get onboarded in the TanStack ecosystem and I want to keep doing that. I believe that sharing knowledge and helping people is a nice way of being helpful to the community.
I’m not the smartest guy in the room and I probably won’t be in any case, but that’s not the point. Each of us has different skills and passions and if I can help with something I’m probably good at, that’s my place in the community!
You’ll keep finding me around the Form project and on YouTube talking about TanStack libraries for a while, I hope my effort can help you build your next successful project!
What a fantastic year, I can’t wait to see what’s next! 🚀

Hello! My name is Leonardo and as you might have noticed, I like to talk about Web Development and Open Source!
I use GitHub every day and my favourite editor is Visual Studio Code... this might influence a little bit my conent! :D
If you like what I do, you should have a look at my YouTube Channel!
Let's get in touch, feel free to send me a DM on Twitter!